Skin Creation

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Revision as of 23:12, 5 May 2020 by RTomas (talk | contribs)
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1. Create a copy of the template skin folder located in /home/pi/RGB-Pi/images/skins and change to the name that you like.
2. Draw the different parts:


It is recommended to leave the backgrounds as simple and plain as possible, using few and dark colours. This will improve the text readability.

NOTE: all system menus support independent backgrounds. You can create different BGs for every system option menues creating the corresponding files:



  • Red area: this is the overscan area. Do not draw important things here since most TVs won't display this area.
  • Blue area: this is the main drawing area. It is calculated in a very conservative way so that every TV will display its content.
  • Yellow area: this corresponds to text areas so be careful with what you put here because text could result unreadable.
  • Green area: this is an optional drawing area:

Bezels - Transparent

Make the adjustments to fit these transparency images into the bezel area. The simplest way is to make a selection in the bezel empty area and create a new image based on that selection. The recommended opacity is >= 50% for improving the text readability.


  • arcade-*, flag-*, freq-*, region-*: all of them corresponds to the different UI selectors.
  • logo: it is the image displayed in the screensaver.
  • selector-front-* and selector-back-*: these are the images used for the text item selectors. The front ones are displayed on top of the text and the back ones behind the text.
NOTE: the back selector images are not provided in the template, so if you want to use the same you just simply make a copy of the front ones and rename them.


  • position : used for setting the position of various elements.
  • color : allows to make changes in the colour palette.
NOTE: do note that this is a skin engine and not a theme engine. That means that we don't have nor want to go into more detailed granularity for making things easier. This also constrains a little the things you can do. In this case, Do note that changing a color affects all elements using the same.
  • extra :
    • item_indicator : enable or disable the default blinking triangle at the left of text items.
    • text_shadows :: enable or disable the 1px black shadow displayed on all UI text elements (including all icons).